Fancy giving it a go for 31 days? I know I will be!
Started in Australia, Plastic-Free July is a campaign challenging people to refuse single-use plastics for one month. It also marks one year of my life sans plastique. Actually I didn't give it up properly until the middle of July, but it was this time last year that I first became inspired and started taking steps in order to join in.
I can't believe how quickly this year has gone, and what a massive year it has been! I got engaged, I got married, I moved to New York!
Despite all the crazy (good) stuff happening, the plastic challenge has been ongoing throughout. I admit I haven't managed to stick to it the whole time - I'm not a magician! - but I'm happy to report that I've absolutely loved having such a positive focus in my life.
This July
For me, this July means not giving in to the little things that I usually can't do without. Mainly, I won't be buying any tofu or halloumi cheese in plastic packets (hopefully I won't also be reporting a divorce this year! Sorry / thank you to my lovely husband).
But you don't have to go to such extreme lengths. There are plenty of easy peasy ways to make a huge difference, without jeopardising your relationships!
For anyone hoping to make change this July, here are a few very simple ideas to get you going:
Buying loose fruit, veggies and produce when possible
Asking for "no straw" with your drink
Bringing your own reusables: coffee cup, water bottle, canvas shopping bags, little spork, even drinking straw
Using a bamboo toothbrush
Avoiding cosmetic products with microbeads (these are tiny plastic balls often put into exfoliating scrubs)
Using soap and shampoo in bar form rather than liquid
Buying clothing made from natural fibres (when you wash your clothes, tiny little bits of fluff make their way into rivers, waterways and the sea. If your clothing is synthetic, these fibres are a form of microplastic, which can be ingested by sealife. They can be eaten by fish and even end up on your dinner plate!)
If you want to go all the way and need more tips, the Plastic-Free July website has some amazing ideas and is so helpful.
To those taking the plunge - good luck and enjoy saving the planet.

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Saatchi & Saatchi collaboration with Surfrider Foundation